New Abu Ghraib prison to show crimes of Saddam (AFP) Posted: 03 Sep 2008 03:53 AM CDT AFP - Iraq said on Wednesday it plans to rebuild the the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, complete with a museum to portray crimes committed by the regime of executed dictator Saddam Hussein.
Brazilian Viera back at the helm of Iraq football (AFP) Posted: 03 Sep 2008 03:52 AM CDT AFP - Brazilian coach Jorvan Viera was back at the helm of Iraq's national football team on Wednesday after lifting them to the Asian Cup champions title last year.
Palin to take center stage as questions swirl (AP) Posted: 03 Sep 2008 03:47 AM CDT AP - After two days of silence, Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will step to center stage at the Republican National Convention to prove to delegates that she can help John McCain win the White House despite distracting questions about her family life and qualifications.
Bush: McCain is 'ready to lead' (AFP) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 06:23 PM CDT AFP - US President George W. Bush on Tuesday urged Republicans to rally around his chosen successor, John McCain, calling him right on the Iraq war and declaring him "ready to lead" the United States.
US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,152 (AP) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 06:14 PM CDT AP - As of Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2008, at least 4,152 members of the U.S. military have died in the Iraq war since it began in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.
Bush to give McCain boost on national security (AP) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 05:09 PM CDT AP - President Bush said Tuesday that Sen. John McCain's understanding of the lessons of Sept. 11 and his support for the Iraq war make him ready to be the nation's next commander in chief.
Baghdad touched by war even as security takes hold (AP) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 02:42 PM CDT AP - Salam Dawood sat in his car stuck in traffic. A mother and her two sons shuffled among the vehicles, begging for money when a roadside bomb exploded.
Iraq: Key figures since war began (AP) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 02:28 PM CDT AP - _October 2007: 170,000 at peak of troop buildup.
Iraq army begins evicting Baghdad squatters (AFP) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 12:02 PM CDT AFP - The Iraqi army began on Tuesday evicting squatters occupying the homes of people who fled sectarian violence in Baghdad but little movement could be seen on the first day of Ramadan for Shiites.
China to charge $6 a barrel to develop Iraq field (AFP) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 10:18 AM CDT AFP - Iraq on Tuesday cleared a plan to develop an oil field by China Petroleum National Corp. at a service fee of six dollars a barrel, giving Beijing a foothold into the world's third largest oil reserves.
Iraq begins campaign to evict Baghdad squatters (Reuters) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 09:21 AM CDT Reuters - Iraqi security forces began a push on Tuesday to evict people squatting in Baghdad homes that were abandoned by residents fleeing sectarian violence, a military spokesman said.
Iraqi Cabinet approves China oil deal (AP) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 08:47 AM CDT AP - Iraq has approved a $3 billion deal with China to develop the al-Ahdab oil field.
Military: US soldier dies in Baghdad (AP) Posted: 02 Sep 2008 05:32 AM CDT AP - The U.S. military says an American soldier has died of non-combat related causes in Baghdad.