
Yahoo! News: Iraq


Yahoo! News: Iraq

The Plant-Based Burger That Smells, Tastes and Bleeds Like the Real Thing

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 09:13 AM PDT

The Plant-Based Burger That Smells, Tastes and Bleeds Like the Real ThingPat Brown, the scientist and chief executive behind the plant-based burger from Impossible Foods, is on a mission to recreate the texture, smell, and flavor of meat that carnivores crave — while cutting down on the waste in meat production.

Egypt knife attacker first sat, spoke with 2 German victims

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 11:02 AM PDT

Egypt knife attacker first sat, spoke with 2 German victimsHURGHADA, Egypt (AP) — The Egyptian university graduate who stabbed two German women to death at a popular Red Sea resort first sat and spoke to them in fluent German before producing a large kitchen knife and attacking them, security officials said Saturday.

UAE wants international monitoring of Qatar

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:04 PM PDT

UAE wants international monitoring of QatarA senior United Arab Emirates (UAE) official said international monitoring was needed in the standoff between Qatar and its Arab neighbors, adding he saw signs that the pressure exerted on Doha "was working". Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt imposed sanctions on Qatar on June 5, cutting diplomatic and transport ties with the tiny Gulf monarchy, accusing it of financing extremist groups and allying with Gulf Arab states arch-foe Iran. Doha denies the accusations.

Nevada Marijuana Shortage: State Officials Scramble to Stock up

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 09:10 AM PDT

Nevada Marijuana Shortage: State Officials Scramble to Stock upJust two weeks after pot sales began, state officials are scrambling to prevent a shortage. The stakes are high — the state budget is counting on millions in anticipated tax revenue from pot sales.

US-China citizen given 10 years for espionage in Iran: media

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 02:52 PM PDT

US-China citizen given 10 years for espionage in Iran: mediaA Chinese American accused of "infiltration" in Iran has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, local media reported on Sunday. The man was identified as Xiyue Wang, a 37-year-old researcher at Princeton University, according to Mizanonline, the official news agency of Iran's judiciary. Wang, who was born in Beijing according to the report, was arrested on August 8, 2016 while trying to leave the country.

A Skydiver Told His Wife He Wasn't Going to Pull Parachute Cord. She Arrived 'Moments' Too Late

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 09:40 AM PDT

A Skydiver Told His Wife He Wasn't Going to Pull Parachute Cord. She Arrived 'Moments' Too LateThe wife of a skydiver arrived moments too late to save him after he sent her a message saying he wasn't going to pull his parachute cord.

Officers Help Delivery Woman's Baby Boy on Side of the Road

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 01:03 PM PDT

Officers Help Delivery Woman's Baby Boy on Side of the RoadThe baby's head was already coming out when officer's arrived.

UK will look to increase punishments for acid attacks: minister

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:28 AM PDT

UK will look to increase punishments for acid attacks: ministerBritain will look at tougher punishments for people who attack others using acid, interior minister Amber Rudd said on Sunday, after a spate of incidents in London in recent months. Five acid attacks on moped riders in less than 90 minutes across east London on Thursday left several people with facial burns, the latest in what Rudd described as a "worrying increase" in reports of attacks where acid or similar substances had been used as a weapon. "We can and will improve our response," Rudd wrote in an article for the Sunday Times newspaper.

What Led To The Deaths Of 4 Missing Pennsylvania Men?

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 10:09 AM PDT

What Led To The Deaths Of 4 Missing Pennsylvania Men?Cosmo DiNardo admitted to the murders, but what was his motive?

The Latest: US appeals travel ban ruling to Supreme Court

Posted: 14 Jul 2017 10:48 PM PDT

The Latest: US appeals travel ban ruling to Supreme CourtHONOLULU (AP) — The Latest on a judge's decision on President Donald Trump's travel ban (all times local):

How a Connecticut Nonprofit Aims to Foster Employment for Autism

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 09:26 AM PDT

How a Connecticut Nonprofit Aims to Foster Employment for AutismRoses for Autism is a non-profit social enterprise that sells roses and a variety other flowers — all proceeds from the sales fund scholarships and career training for transition age Autism.

Honolulu wants to ban cellphone walking. Here's 8 petty laws they could pass instead.

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 07:00 AM PDT

Honolulu wants to ban cellphone walking. Here's 8 petty laws they could pass instead.If you are a human with a cell phone, odds are you've broken this law that could soon be passed in Hawaii. On Wednesday, in an extraordinarily ambitious effort to make Hawaii's streets safer, the Honolulu City Council passed a bill that prohibits pedestrians from staring down at their cell phones while crossing the street. Yes, you read that correctly. Hawaii essentially wants to prohibit people from texting and walking. HA, good luck with that. SEE ALSO: So a bunch of Twitter users actually sued Trump for blocking them As CNN reported, if you're caught staring at your phone, in violation of Bill 6, you could be fined anywhere from $15 to $99 unless it's a 911-worthy emergency. Sure it's in the best interest of safety, but the proposed law begs the following massive question. Q: Is this really necessary? A: Hell freaking no. According to councilman Ernie Martin, who voted against the bill, the world has other far more pressing issues that should take priority over walking and texting, like, uh, homelessness.  Rather than enforce a law, he suggests a public awareness campaign via social media. Sounds way more fun, and hey, people could even learn about it on their phones while simultaneously walking.  Not to mention, this is not a thing that's going to work. Do you think people are going to put down their phones at crosswalks and give up valuable seconds that could be spent potentially right-swiping their soulmate? No. Do you really think anyone is going to resist responding to Slack messages from their boss on-the-go, thereby shattering the illusion that they're already diligently working from their desks instead of running 20 minutes late? LOL good one. We text, we walk, we multi-task. Get over it. Other petty laws the world could use instead While we're on the topic of petty laws, there are SO many pieces of legislation we'd rather see passed. Here are eight other laws that should be enforced: 1. Don't take up the entire sidewalk with your squad when people are trying to pass, OMG. 2. Don't you dare eat food in a way food was not intended to be eaten. (No biting string cheese, no eating pizza crust-first, no ice cubes in your cereal. JFC, people.) 3. No leaving shopping carts in parking spots like an a-hole instead of taking 40 seconds to return them. 4. Don't stand over the yellow line at airport baggage claim. Wait for your damn luggage a respectable distance away from the belt so when you grab it you don't wind up taking out three innocent bystanders. 5. No listening to audio in public without headphones. (Same goes for having conversations on speaker phone.) 6. Thou shalt not post spoilers online. 7. You must clean gym equipment after sweating all over the damn place. 8. Cashiers who hand you change on top of your bills so that it inevitably slides off and embarrasses you should PAY the legal price. What the fresh hell, Hawaii? According to CNN, Brandon Elefante, the Honolulu city councilman who introduced the bill, got this idea from high school students, so you know it's gotta be brilliant. "These high school groups were concerned for their peers being distracted while crossing the streets and looking at their phones instead of looking both ways," Elefante said. "The advancement of technology can sometimes be a distraction and cause people to not pay attention." Since the city council successfully passed the bill, the fate of cellphone addicts in Hawaii now rests in the hands of Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell. He has 10 business days to make this final life-changing decision. Choose wisely, sir.  WATCH: A one-wheeled electric scooter you'll want to show off

Justin Trudeau meets Syrian baby named after him

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:32 AM PDT

Justin Trudeau meets Syrian baby named after himJustin Trudeau has met his younger Syrian namesake. The Canadian Prime Minister came face to face with two-month-old Justin Trudeau Adam Bilan – the son of a Syrian couple who fled war-ravaged Damascus to start a new life in Canada. The boy's parents, Muhammad and Afraa Bilan, named their newborn son after the Prime Minister to pay tribute to his open refugee policy and show their gratitude for the offer of refuge.

Iran front pages mourn trailblazing female mathematician

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:12 AM PDT

Iran front pages mourn trailblazing female mathematicianIranian media have hailed trailblazing Iran-born mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani following her death from cancer, with her image blazoned across newspaper front pages on Sunday. Mirzakhani, the first woman to win the coveted Fields Medal, died aged 40 on Saturday in a US hospital after the breast cancer she had been battling for four years spread to her bone marrow. Mirzakhani was born and studied in Iran before leaving to pursue her career in the United States.

Five Congo rangers killed in joint army operation to rescue U.S. journalist

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:25 AM PDT

Five Congo rangers killed in joint army operation to rescue U.S. journalistFive park rangers were killed in a joint operation with the army to rescue an American journalist and three park rangers, who went missing in a wildlife reserve in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, a local official said on Sunday. Unidentified gunmen attacked the group late on Friday in the Okapi Wildlife Reserve in Mambasa territory. Mambasa administrator Alfred Bongwalanga said security forces and park rangers had launched a rescue operation that located the missing members of the group.

Venezuelans vote in referendum on ousting Maduro 

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:07 AM PDT

Venezuelans vote in referendum on ousting Maduro Venezuelans on Sunday turned out in force for an unofficial referendum called by the opposition in a bid to topple the "totalitarian" government of Nicolas Maduro, as the oil-rich country teeters on the brink of civil conflict. Long lines curled around polling stations across Venezuela as voters queued from the early hours, many wrapped in the red, yellow and blue of the national flag. Members of the Venezuelan diaspora also voted in large numbers at centres in 360 cities around the world; in London, the queue stretched for four blocks around Bloomsbury Square, forcing organisers to extend voting hours. Helicopter attacks Venezuela's Supreme Court 01:42 Mr Maduro's government has rejected the move as illegal and vowed to defend itself with arms, leading to fears of further violence after almost 90 deaths in three months of protest. Mr Maduro is campaigning for a July 30 vote to form a people's assembly that will rewrite the country's constitution and have the power to bypass state institutions, including the opposition-led parliament.  The plebiscite asks voters three questions: whether they reject Mr Maduro's drive to form a people's assembly that will rewrite the country's constitution; whether they demand that the armed forces defend the constitution and the decisions of the opposition controlled National Assembly; and finally, whether they want the formation of a unity government and fresh elections. Shocking video captures attack on Venezuelan Assembly 01:04 Julio Borges, leader of the opposition-controlled National Assembly, hailed the referendum as a "triumph". "The people are demonstrating that democracy, liberty, dignity, progress, that national unity is above any totalitarian pretension," he said at a press conference before the polls closed. The day appeared likely to deliver the "overwhelming" vote against Mr Maduro predicted by the opposition - though most government supporters boycotted the polls. Mr Maduro's government rejected the vote as illegal and had repeatedly vowed to defend itself with arms, leading to fears of further violence after more than 90 deaths in three months of protests. In the end, the day largely passed off peacefully. But in Catia, an impoverished Caracas neighbourhood, an armed pro-government group allegedly opened fire at a church polling station, killing a 61-year-old nurse and injuring three others. Mr Maduro, however, mostly remained quiet, focusing instead on his own July 30 vote to form a people's assembly that will rewrite the country's constitution.  Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro  It is this drive - which would allow Mr Maduro to bypass the opposition-led National Assembly - that triggered Sunday's plebiscite. Voters were asked three questions: whether they reject the formation of a people's assembly; whether they demand that the armed forces defend the constitution and the decisions of the National Assembly; and finally, whether they want the formation of a unity government and fresh elections. The vote was backed by the country's rebel attorney general, Luisa Ortega Diaz, the formerly loyal Chavista who has turned on Mr Maduro over human rights abuses by government forces and the legislative manoeuvering that she says amounts to a coup d'etat.  Mr Maduro has tried to ward off growing discontent with a combination of threats and gestures, last weekend allowing the transfer of Leopoldo Lopez, a key opposition leader, to house arrest after three years in a military prison.  On Friday, he announced an 80 per cent pay rise for the Bolivarian National Guard, amid increasing signs of discontent in the lower ranks. Earlier this month, the Associated Press reported that 102 soldiers have been arrested for crimes such as rebellion and desertion since protests began in April. Lower level officers and their families are also suffering from the hyperinflation and devastating shortages of food and medicine that have left many Venezuelans struggling to survive and forced an exodus into neighbouring countries.  In the most dramatic sign of dissent, a rogue police officer last month attacked the country's Supreme Court with a police helicopter before going on the run and posting videos declaring himself part of a faction that was fighting to bring down Mr Maduro's regime. 

Buzz Aldrin Is Raising Money to Send People to Mars

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 06:44 AM PDT

Buzz Aldrin Is Raising Money to Send People to Mars"We can have a trillion humans in the solar system"

Shepard Smith breaks with Fox News line on Trump: 'Why all these lies?'

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 07:48 AM PDT

Shepard Smith breaks with Fox News line on Trump: 'Why all these lies?'Shepard Smith said: 'The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling. Fox News host Shepard Smith broke with network orthodoxy on Friday, issuing a sharp denunciation of the Trump administration's handling of investigations into its links with Russia. Smith, a relative moderate in the Fox ranks who has decried Trump camp untruths before, described White House "deception" as "mind-boggling".

Huge California wildfire spreads overnight as crews dig in

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 02:58 PM PDT

Huge California wildfire spreads overnight as crews dig inBy Dan Whitcomb LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Firefighters battled on Saturday to gain control of a destructive wildfire burning near Santa Barbara, California that mushroomed in size overnight, pushed by gusty offshore winds into dry brush that has not burned in decades. The Whittier Fire, which broke out July 8 and has already destroyed eight homes, had been more than 50 percent contained on Friday before so-called "Sundowner" winds picked up in the evening, according to a California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) website. Nearly 3,000 people who were forced to flee their homes near Cachuma Lake and the community of Goleta remained under evacuation orders as fire officials said another evening of Sundowners could drive the flames toward populated areas.

Three soldiers killed in Ivory Coast barrack shooting

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:33 AM PDT

Three soldiers killed in Ivory Coast barrack shootingThree soldiers died after shooting erupted overnight at a base in Ivory Coast, which has been gripped by tensions within the military, security sources said Saturday. Gunfire was heard coming from the barracks at Korhogo, a city in the north of the the West African country, at around 1:00 am (0100 GMT), Adama Coulibaly, a local carpenter reached by phone said. "There are three dead soldiers," an officer told AFP separately, without giving further details.

Canceled $30K wedding becomes dinner for Indiana homeless

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:10 AM PDT

Canceled $30K wedding becomes dinner for Indiana homelessINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — An Indiana woman didn't want her canceled $30,000 wedding to go to waste, so she threw a dinner party for the homeless.

Venezuela opposition votes against Maduro, woman shot dead

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 03:23 PM PDT

Venezuela opposition votes against Maduro, woman shot deadBy Alexandra Ulmer and Andreina Aponte CARACAS (Reuters) - Gunmen in Venezuela shot into a crowd of voters on Sunday, activists said, killing one woman and wounding three others during an unofficial referendum organized by the opposition to push for an end to two decades of socialist rule. Graphic: Venezuela's dark days: http - //tmsnrt.rs/2pPJdRb The opposition Democratic Unity coalition said a pro-government "paramilitary" gang opened fire in Caracas' poor neighborhood of Catia, where thousands were participating in the opposition event. "The day was stained by the killing of a Venezuelan woman who protesting and exercising her rights," said opposition leader Freddy Guevara of the killing of Xiomara Escot.

Police hunt man who 'tried to pull off woman's hijab' at Baker Street Tube station

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 10:07 AM PDT

Police hunt man who 'tried to pull off woman's hijab' at Baker Street Tube stationPolice are investigating a suspected hate crime after a man tried to pull off a Muslim woman's hijab and spat at her friend. The woman, who posted about the incident on Twitter, was waiting for a Tube at Baker Street in the early hours of Saturday morning when she was set upon. Tweeting under the name Aniso Abdulkadir, she posted a picture of the man who allegedly attacked her, writing: "This man at Baker Street station forcefully attempted to pull my hijab off and when I instinctively grabbed ahold of my scarf he hit me." She continued:  He proceeded to verbally abuse my friends and I, pinning one of them against the wall and spitting in her face— Aniso.safiaadya (@AnisoAbdulkadir) July 15, 2017 Ms Abdulkadir added that a woman who was present was also threatened and verbally abusive. She urged others to share the image in order to identify the suspect, earning more than 24,000 retweets by Sunday afternoon. A man claiming to be the man in the image later identified himself on Twitter and hit back at the allegations.   Pawel Uczciwek, 28, from London, said he was sticking up for his girlfriend and attempting to defuse what he called a "racist attack from three random females". Mr Uczciwek wrote: "I would like to confirm I never hit or attacked anyone I simply defused the situation by separating them. "The police is fully cooperating with me and will be able to obtain CCTV footage showing the three women attempting to attack my partner because we are in an interracial relationship." @standardnews@Independent@DailyMailUK@MetroUK@metpoliceuk I did not try to take off her scarf or ask to see her hair— Pawel Uczciwek (@PawelUczciwek) July 16, 2017 A British Transport Police spokesman said the force were investigating the incident and had been sent the statement from Mr Uczciwek. The BBTP spokesman added the matter is being treated as a hate crime. "Behaviour like this is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This incident has been reported to us and we're investigating." Inquiries are ongoing and anyone with information is asked to get in touch by texting 61016 or calling 0800 40 50 40.

National Ice Cream Day 2017 Freebies

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 04:57 AM PDT

National Ice Cream Day 2017 FreebiesFormer President Ronald Reagan observed this day first in 1984, and said ice cream was the "perfect dessert and snack food."

US and Australia test hypersonic missiles that fly at a mile a second

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:33 AM PDT

US and Australia test hypersonic missiles that fly at a mile a secondThe US has been testing hypersonic aircraft missiles that could fly at a mile per second. It has collaborated with Australia to research and pilot weapons able to fly at least five times faster than the speed of sound - anywhere from 3,836mph up to 7,700 mph. The round of experiments concluded on 12 July, confirmed Australian defence minister Marise Payne.

Trump regrets 'bizarre mistake' of Paris climate pullout, Branson claims

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 05:51 PM PDT

Trump regrets 'bizarre mistake' of Paris climate pullout, Branson claimsDonald Trump regrets the "bizarre mistake" of withdrawing the US from the Paris climate agreement, Sir Richard Branson has said. Speaking in Brooklyn on Friday, the Virgin Group founder said businesses and cities were firmly behind a transition to low-carbon energy, which made Trump's decision to exit the Paris deal "very, very strange". "With climate change, it's America first and our beautiful globe last, and that seems incredibly sad," said Branson.

Columbia settles lawsuit filed by target of mattress protest

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 03:11 PM PDT

Columbia settles lawsuit filed by target of mattress protestNEW YORK (AP) — Columbia University has settled a gender bias lawsuit brought by a male student who said the school failed to protect him when a female student called him a rapist and carried a mattress around campus to dramatize her pain.

Sekulow on Russia meeting: 'If this was nefarious, why'd the Secret Service allow these people in?'

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:35 AM PDT

Sekulow on Russia meeting: 'If this was nefarious, why'd the Secret Service allow these people in?'Trump legal team member Jay Sekulow is interviewed on "This Week."

Man killed in Egypt raid on Nile island squatters

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 11:59 AM PDT

Man killed in Egypt raid on Nile island squattersOne person was killed and 56 people were injured in clashes on Sunday as security forces tried to evict squatters from a Nile island, the government and witnesses said. The incident on Warraq island in Cairo came amid a government campaign to remove encroachments from state property and land, an interior ministry statement said. A health ministry statement said one man was killed and 19 people were injured, and the interior ministry said 37 policemen and eviction workers were hurt in the clashes.

PSA: You might want to look up at the sky on Sunday night

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:53 AM PDT

PSA: You might want to look up at the sky on Sunday nightIf you're free on Sunday night and you live within a certain range of northern latitudes, you might want to look out a window.  Meteorologists are predicting an aurora borealis, or northern lights show.  Do you live where the #Aurora may be visible Sunday night?Don't forget to check the cloud forecast! https://t.co/VyWINDk3xP #AuroraBorealis pic.twitter.com/gmggkmScDv — NWS (@NWS) July 14, 2017 The northern lights are the result of our sun's solar storms, which emit streams of charged particles that can reach Earth. Magnetic fields from the north and south poles pull the particles into the upper or occasionally lower atmosphere, where they collide with neutral particles.  The result? A majestic, glowing sky. Oftentimes, the northern lights are only visible at higher latitudes (like in Scandinavia during the summer), but occasionally — as is the case this time, apparently — they'll reach lower down the northern hemisphere.  The southern hemisphere can get light shows too, but those southern lights are called aurora australis.  If you look at the National Weather Service's map of the upcoming aurora borealis, you can see if the lights are expected to be visible from where you are. Parts of New England, the upper Midwest, the northwest, and Canada should definitely be able to see the lights on Sunday.  WATCH: These tiny foods look just like the real thing

China rescues 49 tourists stranded on island by typhoon

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 04:17 AM PDT

China rescues 49 tourists stranded on island by typhoonForty-nine tourists stranded on an island off the coast of China's southern Guangdong province have been picked up and taken to safety as Typhoon Talas approaches, authorities said on Sunday. The tourists belonged to four camping groups that had been stranded on Nanpeng island some 35 km (22 miles) east of Yangjiang city on the mainland, the Ministry of Transport said in a statement. On Sunday morning, all of the tourists were transferred safely to a ship and a helicopter dispatched by the Guangzhou-headquartered Nanhai Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport.

Never marry your daughter: the fatherhood lessons we can all learn from Game of Thrones

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 01:00 AM PDT

Never marry your daughter: the fatherhood lessons we can all learn from Game of ThronesGame of Thrones makes its much anticipated return to TV screens on Sunday. And if the epic fantasy is about anything – aside from politics, dragons, murders, and zombie snowmen – it's about the father-heir relationship. Fathers passing on the lineage of their House, or sentencing their offspring to death for not cutting the family mustard. Sons trying to live up to their father's name, or bumping off the old man for power instead. Yes, those parent-child relationships can be tricky. So, taking examples from the best (and worst) fathers from Westeros, here are a few lessons in parenting that all dads can relate to. Game of Thrones Season 7 trailer 01:35 1. Lead by example (your kids will follow – good or bad) Dad Lesson From: Ned Stark & Roose Bolton You know deep down that you're far from perfect, but your kids will look up to you no matter what. Ned Stark was honourable (to a fault, in fact – it's that kind of integrity that got him executed) and so are his kids (though it got a couple of them executed too). Roose Bolton, on the other hand, was a treacherous double-crosser who turned on the Starks and stole their castle. It's little surprise then, that his son Ramsey grew up to be the North's most vicious delinquent – and murdered his own father so he could have the castle himself. 2. You won't get a minute's peace (not even on the toilet) Dad Lesson From: Tywin Lannister Tywin knows about the unglamorous side of being a dad. You can't even sit on the loo without one of your kids hassling you. I know how he feels. In Tywin's case, it's his Imp son Tyrion, who he's just sentenced to death – the final act of fatherly disappointment. In my case, my eighteen-month-old, who admittedly just wants to sit on my lap or unravel a toilet roll, rather than confronting me about why I never loved him and then skewering me a crossbow. Still annoying though. 3. You can't have favourites (even if one of them is a little b-word) Dad Lesson From: Ned Stark It's arguably the greatest parenting taboo of them all, admitting that you've got a favourite. But chances are, if you're in any way human, the thought has passed through your mind – especially when one of the kids is playing up. But if Lord Eddard Stark has a favourite, he never showed it. Even Jon Snow – the boy Ned raised as his illegitimate son – got equal treatment. You have to admire Ned's commitment to good, fair parenting – especially in a world where the only thing more complicated than the father-son relationships are the father/b*stard son relationships. Jon Snow has turned out pretty well. In fact, a tenner says he's king by the end of the series. 4. Tell your kids they make you proud (no matter how utterly useless they are) Dad Lesson From: Randyll Tarley Lord Tarley, a proud warrior and nobleman, has always been ashamed of his son Samwell, who – to be fair – is a clumsy heffalump who's more interested in books that beheading enemies. Whether we want to admit it or not, a lot of us dads know how Randyll feels. For instance, my five-year-old's performance in the three-legged race last year was an embarrassment for everyone who witnessed it. I would never tell him, of course. I certainly wouldn't have sent him to the Night's Watch for a lifetime of celibacy and servitude. That's asking for guaranteed daddy issues and resentment. 5. Don't spoil them (unless you want to raise a tyrant) Dad Lesson From: Robert Baratheon It's easy to get carried away. You want your kids to have the best. You love the excitement on their faces when they get a new toy or open a bag of sweets. But it's double-edged sword (and it could be a literal double-edged sword, if you're spoiling them with, erm, swords). Look at King Robert Baratheon and his heir Joffrey. Willfully ignoring the fact that Joff's not his biological son, Robert's riches and nonchalant parenting (he only seems bothered about Joffrey when the boy's out-duelled by a girl) turned Joffery into a spoilt brat/sadist monster. Spoilt rotten, you could say. 6. Give your kids some attention (or they'll do crazy things to get it) Dad Lesson From: Balon Greyjoy How many times have you skipped a bedtime story because you were too tired? Or plonked your kids in front the TV because you're too busy? And how many times have the kids played up just to get a few seconds of valuable fatherly attention? If there was ever proof that you'll regret not being an attentive dad, it's Balon Greyjoy. He spurned his estranged son Theon, prompting Theon to seek his father's approval by sacking Winterfell and murdering everyone – which he ended up getting the, well, chop for. Bet Balon wishes he'd just given his son a cuddle as he opened up that parcel containing Theon's favourite body part. 7. You always regret tough love (it really, really burns them) Dad Lesson From: Stannis Baratheon We've all been there. The kids won't eat their dinner. They won't put their shoes on. They're screaming in the backseat. All of a sudden, you snap – raise your voice, dish out some unreasonably tough discipline, then spend the rest of day worrying you've been too harsh and you're somehow psychologically damaging your children. It's that kind of thing that makes fatherhood one long anxious worry. So think about how Stannis Baratheon feels. He dished out the toughest love of all – burning his daughter Shireen at the stake. And she wasn't anywhere near as annoying as my kids are. It's no wonder Stannis welcomed his death at the hand of Brienne just days later. 8. Treat boys and girls the same (girls can play with swords too, you know) Dad Lesson From: Ned Stark & Craster That's not to say gender neutral parenting is the only way (it's a bit hippy-ish, even for the decidedly gender-neutral eunuchs), but it's a sad day when your kids start seeing the world in terms of "boy things" and "girl things" – like their innocence has been lost. Put them on the right track by teaching them boys and girls are equal. Ned Stark – yes, that relentless do-gooder again, but to be fair, he's a ruddy good dad – broke gender norms by letting tomboy Arya swordfight, which put her in good stead. On the flipside, there's wilding nutcase Craster, who's so backward on the whole "boys and girls are equal" thing that he leaves his baby sons out in the woods to be gobbled up by White Walkers. Saying that, he marries his daughters too. Terrible parenting.

6 Massive Things Smaller Than The Iceberg That Just Broke Off Antarctica

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 06:00 AM PDT

6 Massive Things Smaller Than The Iceberg That Just Broke Off AntarcticaThe iceberg that just broke off from Antarctica is one of the largest ever recorded. Here's how it stacks up against locations around the world.

Prominent rights activist Xu Zhiyong freed from Chinese jail

Posted: 14 Jul 2017 11:40 PM PDT

Prominent rights activist Xu Zhiyong freed from Chinese jailBy Philip Wen and Natalie Thomas BEIJING (Reuters) - One of China's most prominent rights activists was released by the authorities on Saturday after serving a four-year sentence that prompted international criticism, with his lawyer saying he hoped he would be allowed to live as a free man. Xu Zhiyong, whose "New Citizens' Movement" advocated working within the system to press for change, was detained in 2013 and subsequently convicted of "gathering a crowd to disturb public order". One of the group's main demands had been for officials to publicly disclose their assets, a demand taken against the backdrop of the ruling Communist Party's own efforts to crackdown on deep-seat corruption under President Xi Jinping.

Afghan girls robotics team arrives in US just in time

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 07:01 AM PDT

Afghan girls robotics team arrives in US just in timeWASHINGTON (AP) — Twice rejected for U.S. visas, an all-girls robotics team from Afghanistan arrived in Washington early Saturday after an extraordinary, last-minute intervention by President Donald Trump.

Woman accused of lying about rape claims psychiatric illness

Posted: 14 Jul 2017 06:06 PM PDT

Woman accused of lying about rape claims psychiatric illnessBRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) — A former university student accused of lying about being raped by two university football players is seeking to have the charges against her dismissed.

How to Survive the Whole30 Challenge and Live to Tell the Tale

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 07:00 AM PDT

How to Survive the Whole30 Challenge and Live to Tell the TaleLiz, Caitlyn, and Brian — all had different motivations for starting the Whole30, from attempting to self-diagnose some minor health issues to trying to break unhealthy eating habits formed in college dining halls.  But interestingly enough, all three jumped into the program pretty quickly.  "You almost have to dive in," Brian told me. Each also faced their own unique challenges throughout the 30 days. "I thought about pasta a lot," Liz confessed.

Row over Netanyahu invite to Paris Vel d'Hiv ceremony

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 06:27 PM PDT

Row over Netanyahu invite to Paris Vel d'Hiv ceremonyIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be in Paris Sunday to mark the 75th anniversary of a notorious roundup of thousands of Jews, an invitation that has angered his critics. Sunday's ceremony marks the day in 1942 that officials of the Vichy regime in Nazi-occupied France, began rounding up more than 13,000 Jews in the Velodrome d'Hiver, an indoor cycle track in Paris. Netanyahu arrives just after a surge of violence in Israel, where a gun attack by three Arab Israelis in Jerusalem's Old City Friday left two Israeli police officers and the attackers dead.

Indian Goes Badass With New Scout Bobber

Posted: 14 Jul 2017 09:45 PM PDT

Indian Goes Badass With New Scout BobberIndian Motorcycle Goes Badass With New Scout Bobber New Scout variant features chopped fenders, cooler headlight, lowered suspension Indian Motorcycle has pulled the cover off the new Scout Bobber – a sexed-up version of its popular Scout model aimed at a

West, Russia battle for Balkans gas corridors

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:26 PM PDT

West, Russia battle for Balkans gas corridorsThe West and Russia are battling for control of the transport of natural gas through the Balkans, as both sides pursue their geopolitical agenda in the volatile region. Moscow has suffered a series of setbacks in the Balkans. Montenegro has joined NATO, while Macedonia's new social democratic government seems to be distancing itself from its previous pro-Russia stance.

Workers pose with British cannonball unearthed after 250 years - not realising it was still live

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 08:37 AM PDT

Workers pose with British cannonball unearthed after 250 years - not realising it was still liveWhen a Canadian construction team came across a giant cannonball as they excavated a building site in Quebec, they did what anyone else would do in this age of Snapchat and Instagram. They moved the 200lb projectile into better view and posed with it for photographs. It was only later, when an archaeologist was studying the missile, the workers learned of their lucky escape: The cannonball was still live, packed with a charge and gunpowder just as it would have been when fired by British gunners during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1759. Construction workers found the cannonball in Old Quebec Credit: Lafontaine/Facebook A team of army bomb disposal experts was hurriedly called in to make the artefact safe. "With time, humidity got into its interior and reduced its potential for exploding, but there's still a danger," Master Warrant Officer Sylvain Trudel, a senior munitions technician, told the Canadian broadcaster CBC.  They are now working out whether they can make the cannonball safe - for display in a museum - or whether it must be destroyed.  "Old munitions like this are hard to predict," said Mr Trudel. "You never know to what point the chemicals inside have degraded." It had lain buried for more than 250 years in what is now known as Old Quebec, the historic quarter  of Quebec City. Historians believe it was fired during the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, a pivotal moment in the war between Britain and France for control of the land that would become Canada – and a small part of the wider Seven Years War as Europe's two most powerful nations fought each other around the world. Cannon Shot at Refrigerator 01:51 In 1759, British forces defeated the French and seized Quebec City forming what would become known as Britain's "annus mirablis". The battle lasted no more than an hour – and cost the lives of the commanding officers on either side - but came at the end of a three-month siege. The cannonball was most likely fired at Quebec City from the far side of the St Lawrence River where British gun batteries were based. Army munitions experts must decide whether they can make the cannonball safe or whether it must be destroyed Credit: Lafontaine/Facebook Although cannon generally fired solid iron balls, armourers also designed projectiles equipped with timed charges or fashioned into crude incendiary devices.  Mr Trudel said such the newly discovered ball was designed to set fire to the buildings it penetrated. "The ball would break and the powder would ignite, setting fire to the building," he said.

Over 7 Million Pounds Of Hot Dogs Recalled Over Bone Fragments

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 02:20 PM PDT

Over 7 Million Pounds Of Hot Dogs Recalled Over Bone FragmentsCheck your label before you start off the grill. Over 7 million pounds of hot dogs are being recalled over bone fragments.

Bus plunges into Indian Kashmir valley, 16 Hindu pilgrims killed

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 05:59 AM PDT

Bus plunges into Indian Kashmir valley, 16 Hindu pilgrims killedAt least 16 Hindu pilgrims were killed and 27 injured on Sunday after a bus they were traveling in skidded off a mountain road and fell into a gorge in Indian Kashmir, a senior police official said. The bus was heading towards Srinagar, the state capital, when it veered off the mountainous road in the Kashmir Valley, Mohan Lal, senior superintendent of police, told Reuters. Police and air force have launched a recuse operation and have so far airlifted 19 injured pilgrims, with some of them in critical condition, Lal said.

2 Penn State ex-officials begin jail terms in Sandusky case

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 12:18 PM PDT

2 Penn State ex-officials begin jail terms in Sandusky case2 Penn State ex-officials begin jail terms in Sandusky case.

Detroit at crossroads 50 years after riots devastated city

Posted: 16 Jul 2017 12:48 PM PDT

Detroit at crossroads 50 years after riots devastated cityDETROIT (AP) — Deborah Chenault Green is 62, a writer. But 50 years ago she was a pre-teen, sleeping on the porch to escape the oppressive heat, awakening to see a sky that glowed unnaturally.

Donald Trump says Mexico border wall must be see-through to stop 'sacks of drugs' landing on people's heads

Posted: 15 Jul 2017 01:28 AM PDT

Donald Trump says Mexico border wall must be see-through to stop 'sacks of drugs' landing on people's headsThe US President estimated "anywhere from 700 to 900 miles" of barricades were needed between the two countries, with mountains and rivers providing "natural barriers" along the rest of the 2,000-mile frontier. A border wall to fight illegal immigration was one of Mr Trump's key election campaign promises. Speaking on a flight from Washington to Paris, Mr Trump told reporters on board Air Force One that it was vital border agents could see through the wall to be aware of oncoming dangers.

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