
Yahoo! News: Iraq


Yahoo! News: Iraq

Education Dept. official apologizes for comments on sexual assault

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 07:48 AM PDT

Education Dept. official apologizes for comments on sexual assaultThe Education Department's top civil rights official has apologized for her characterization that 90 percent of campus sexual assault accusations investigated by the federal government under Title IX stem from drunken regret or the fallout of a broken romance.

Rep. Steve King: Build border wall with funds from food stamps, Planned Parenthood

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 08:18 AM PDT

Rep. Steve King: Build border wall with funds from food stamps, Planned ParenthoodRep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said Wednesday that Congress should pad the budget for President Trump's border wall by cutting funding for Planned Parenthood and food stamps.

MS-13 Member Narrated And Filmed Stabbing Of Teen: Report

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 10:54 AM PDT

MS-13 Member Narrated And Filmed Stabbing Of Teen: ReportThe victim was forced to strip before she was tortured and murdered.

Heavy Fighting Shakes West Mosul a Day After Victory Over ISIS Is Declared

Posted: 11 Jul 2017 08:08 PM PDT

Heavy Fighting Shakes West Mosul a Day After Victory Over ISIS Is DeclaredMilitants are still holding out in the shattered Old City

Calibri in spotlight as Fontgate could leave Pakistan sans Sharif

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 12:27 AM PDT

Calibri in spotlight as Fontgate could leave Pakistan sans SharifA typeface has sparked uproar in Pakistan after documents using the font were produced in a corruption case against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif -- despite being dated a year before the design was released. Microsoft's Calibri font was used to type certified papers naming Sharif's daughter Maryam as a trustee for several of the family's high-end London properties. The plush apartments are at the heart of the case against the Sharif family, with authorities and the opposition questioning the legitimacy of funds used to buy them via offshore companies.

New Photos the Grievous Damage Done to the USS Fitzgerald

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 12:02 PM PDT

New Photos the Grievous Damage Done to the USS FitzgeraldThe USS Fitzgerald collided with a container ship three times its size.

Jet Blast Kills Tourist At World Famous Caribbean Beach

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 11:36 AM PDT

Jet Blast Kills Tourist At World Famous Caribbean BeachThe 57-year-old New Zealand woman was reportedly holding onto a fence to feel the blast of a jumbo jet in St. Maarten.

Antarctica's fragile ice

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 11:34 AM PDT

Antarctica's fragile iceA large portion of an ice shelf has broken off from the Antarctic mainland, creating one of the world's largest iceberg. Here's a look at the threatened ice shelves and glaciers of the South Pole.

‘We were both drunk’: How a top civil rights official describes most Title IX campus rape accusations

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 01:26 PM PDT

'We were both drunk': How a top civil rights official describes most Title IX campus rape accusationsA top civil rights official in the U.S. Department of Education characterized "90 percent" of campus sexual assault accusations that rise to the level of a federal Title IX investigation as amounting to "we were both drunk."

Russia probe is not a ‘witch hunt,’ FBI nominee Wray tells senators

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 08:50 AM PDT

Russia probe is not a 'witch hunt,' FBI nominee Wray tells senatorsFBI nominee Christopher Wray said that he does not view the federal investigation into ties between Russia and the Trump campaign as a "witch hunt."

Republicans roll out new healthcare bill that keeps Obamacare taxes on the wealthy

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 08:25 AM PDT

Republicans roll out new healthcare bill that keeps Obamacare taxes on the wealthyRepublican leaders in the US Senate have rolled out a new version of their healthcare bill that will keep a pair of taxes on the rich to help keep health insurance costs down, as they try to save their bid to repeal and replace Obamacare. Libertarian-leaning Senator Rand Paul has already announced he will vote against beginning debate on the bill next week, and more moderate senators Susan Collins and Rob Portman are also expected to oppose the new version. With a majority of 52 Republicans, Mr McConnell can only afford to lose two 'yea' votes.

Michigan Official Says He Won't Apologize for Sharing Anti-Muslim Facebook Posts

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 02:47 PM PDT

Michigan Official Says He Won't Apologize for Sharing Anti-Muslim Facebook Posts"I don't expect everyone to see things the way I do"

History Channel's Amelia Earhart Photo Possibly Discredited

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 01:23 PM PDT

History Channel's Amelia Earhart Photo Possibly DiscreditedA predated image of Amelia Earhart in the History Channel's new documentary launches an investigation from the network.

General: Plane at cruising altitude before problems, crash

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 01:00 PM PDT

General: Plane at cruising altitude before problems, crashJACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The military transport plane that slammed into soybean fields Monday in the Mississippi Delta, killing 15 Marines and a Navy sailor, appears to have developed problems while high in the air, a Marine general said Wednesday.

China sends troops to its 'support base' in East Africa 

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 05:40 AM PDT

China sends troops to its 'support base' in East Africa Ships carrying Chinese troops tasked with setting up the country's first overseas military base are steaming towards the East African nation of Djibouti. China calls its new facility a 'support base' and says it will have mainly logistical functions, however observers see it as a key part of Beijing's plans to expand its global reach through military might. India in particular views the base with suspicion as New Delhi is concerned that China is confronting it with a 'ring of pearls' – a series of assets and alliances across the Indian Ocean and into South-East Asia. A report from the Pentagon recently suggested that China is likely to open a military base in Pakistan, India's main rival in Asia. However, China dismissed this. Chinese sailors on parade China started building its base in Djibouti just over a year ago.  It is stationed just a few miles from a US camp, and France and Japan also have bases in the nation, which is about the size of Wales. A report by China's official Xinhua news agency said the decision to set up the base was "made by the two countries after friendly negotiations". The report added: "The base will ensure China's performance of missions, such as escorting, peace-keeping and humanitarian aid in Africa and west Asia. "The base will also be conducive to overseas tasks including military cooperation, joint exercises, evacuating and protecting overseas Chinese and emergency rescue, as well as jointly maintaining security of international strategic seaways." The Chinese flag flies from the ship  China's defence ministry said that a ceremony was held at a naval pier in the southern Chinese port of Zhanjiang presided over by navy commander Vice Admiral Shen Jinlong. Neither Xinhua or defence officials gave details on numbers or units of troops travelling to the new base. Foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a daily news briefing the facility would enable China to make "new and greater contributions" to peace in Africa and the world and would benefit Djibouti's economic development. The People's Liberation Army Daily said in a front-page commentary that the new base would help China fulfil its obligations in ensuring global peace, working with its huge UN peacekeeping force in Africa and its anti-piracy patrols. The Global Times, a newspaper which often takes a nationalist tone, said the new facility was indeed a military base. "We will base troops there," it said. "It's not a commercial resupply point. It makes sense there is attention on this from foreign public opinion." Additional reporting by Christine Wei.

Nigerian VP back in Abuja after Buhari meeting

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 02:21 AM PDT

Nigerian VP back in Abuja after Buhari meetingNigeria's vice-president has returned from a whistlestop trip to meet ailing President Muhammadu Buhari in London and will chair Wednesday's weekly cabinet meeting, his spokesman said. Acting President Yemi "Osinbajo now back in Abuja from London & will be presiding over FEC (federal executive committee) this morning," tweeted Laolu Akande. Osinbajo, who has been acting president since Buhari left for medical treatment on May 7, flew to London on Tuesday.

Pakistan PM's daughter, heir apparent in corruption probe crosshairs

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 03:49 AM PDT

Pakistan PM's daughter, heir apparent in corruption probe crosshairsBy Drazen Jorgic ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A damning judicial report into the family wealth of Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif threatens not just his premiership, but has also imperiled the political career of his daughter and heir apparent. Maryam Nawaz Sharif, 43, has in recent years gained greater influence within Sharif's inner circle, and is credited with steering him to embrace more pro-women and liberal causes in a deeply conservative nation of 200 million people. "It nips her career in the bud," Sherry Rehman, vice president of the opposition Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP), told Reuters.

John McCain on Donald Trump Jr.: My Sons Would Be Court-Martialed If They Did That

Posted: 11 Jul 2017 05:34 PM PDT

John McCain on Donald Trump Jr.: My Sons Would Be Court-Martialed If They Did That"The people around me would not be inclined to do that kind of thing"

Twitter Reacts To Good Morning America Hiding George Stephanopoulos' Legs

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 07:11 AM PDT

Twitter Reacts To Good Morning America Hiding George Stephanopoulos' Legs"Just another type of body shaming," wrote one user.

Man who beat girlfriend unconscious, gouged out her eyes then left her to die has sentence reduced

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 05:21 AM PDT

Man who beat girlfriend unconscious, gouged out her eyes then left her to die has sentence reducedChile's Supreme Court reduced Mauricio Ortega's jail term from 26 to 18 years, as the court ruled he was not attempting to kill Nabila Rifo when he brutally attacked her. The case has come to be seen as emblematic of the ongoing domestic violence crisis in Chile. Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, who led the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, visited Ms Rifo in hospital while she was recovering.

Military plane crash: Victims came from all over the country

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 12:19 AM PDT

Military plane crash: Victims came from all over the countryThe 15 Marines and a Navy sailor killed in a military plane crash Monday in Mississippi came from all over the country. Six of the Marines and the sailor were from an elite Marine Raider battalion at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Nine were based out of Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, New York, home of a Marine Aerial Refueling and Transport Squadron.

Vatican to hold trial of officials accused of using children's hospital funds for cardinal's luxury flat

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 09:26 AM PDT

Vatican to hold trial of officials accused of using children's hospital funds for cardinal's luxury flatThe Vatican is to put on trial two former officials who are accused of siphoning off nearly £400,000 from a Vatican-owned children's hospital and using it to renovate a luxurious apartment for a powerful cardinal. Giuseppe Profiti and Massimo Spina will face their first hearing in front of a Vatican tribunal next Tuesday, it was announced.  Mr Profiti, the former president of the Bambino Gesu (Baby Jesus) Hospital in Rome, and Mr Spina, its former treasurer, are accused of diverting 422,000 euros (£372,000) of hospital funds towards the renovation of the property for Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. Cardinal Bertone was Secretary of State – effectively the Vatican's prime minister - during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI.  Cardinal Bertone served under Pope Benedict XVI but fell out of favour when Pope Francis was elected in 2013. Credit: Reuters He fell from favour under Benedict's successor, Pope Francis, and was removed from office just eight months after Francis was elected in 2013. During his seven years in office he was blamed for many of the gaffes and controversies of Benedict's papacy. In its statement, the Vatican accused the two men of having "used, in an illegal manner, money belonging to the Bambino Gesu Foundation, money to which they both had access due to their roles in the institution." The money was illicitly taken from the hospital's coffers between November 2013 and March 2014, and used for "completely extra-institutional purposes" in restructuring the cardinal's apartment, the Holy See said. The pair will be tried in a Vatican tribunal consisting of three judges. Cardinal Bertone has denied any wrongdoing and is not on trial.  Credit: AP Mr Profiti has admitted that hospital money was used, but said the apartment was to be used for official fundraising events. In a letter he wrote in 2013 to the cardinal, he suggested hosting gatherings and meetings in "what is to be Your Eminence's residence".  The flat is Vatican property but was assigned to Cardinal Bertone after he retired as Secretary of State in 2013. He has acknowledged that it is large but said he shared it with three nuns as well as a secretary.  The property includes a library, several bedrooms and a broad terrace. After the allegations concerning the payments came to light Cardinal Bertone made a donation of €150,000 euros to the hospital foundation out of his own pocket in 2015.  Bertone has always denied any knowledge of the payments and was not charged.

Who Is FBI Director Nominee Christopher Wray’s Wife Helen?

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 07:27 AM PDT

Who Is FBI Director Nominee Christopher Wray's Wife Helen?The president's pick for FBI director was set to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday.

NATO warns Russia to honour war games promises

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 07:45 AM PDT

NATO warns Russia to honour war games promisesNATO chief Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday welcomed Russian reassurances about a major upcoming military exercise that has deeply worried the allies, but warned Moscow must live up to its commitments. Speaking after a "frank" meeting between Russia's NATO ambassador and envoys from the 28-nation alliance, Stoltenberg said both sides had discussed ways to avoid dangerous misunderstandings over issues such as exercises. Russia had in particular provided numbers of its soldiers, planes and ships involved in the Zapad ("West") war games in Russia and Belarus in September, Stoltenberg said.

Lawsuit claims US has threatened and misled immigrants seeking asylum

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 02:23 PM PDT

Lawsuit claims US has threatened and misled immigrants seeking asylumUS border officials have systemically blocked asylum seekers from accessing the asylum process, in violation of US and international law, according to a lawsuit filed by immigration advocates on Wednesday. A collection of legal groups brought the suit, which claims that the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have put asylum seekers at the US-Mexico border in grave danger by threatening, misleading or rejecting them.

Analysis: GOP confronts no-win situation on health care

Posted: 11 Jul 2017 10:56 PM PDT

Analysis: GOP confronts no-win situation on health careWASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans find themselves in a no-win situation as they struggle to pass health care legislation in the Senate: Success could alienate a majority of the population, but failure could anger the crucial group of GOP base voters the party relies on to build election victories.

Parents Slam 'Hollow Excuses' From Fraternity Members in Penn State Hazing Death

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 10:25 AM PDT

Parents Slam 'Hollow Excuses' From Fraternity Members in Penn State Hazing Death'I don't want to go to jail for this,' fraternity members texted after the ritual

Scientists warn of ‘biological annihilation,’ say mass extinction event is currently happening on Earth

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 07:45 AM PDT

Scientists warn of 'biological annihilation,' say mass extinction event is currently happening on Earth

When you hear the term "mass extinction" you probably imagine something like the space rock that smacked Earth and led to the demise of the dinosaurs, but according to a new research paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, we're currently experiencing an extinction event of our very own. After monitoring the populations of nearly 200 species, scientists are now sounding the alarm and insist that the dramatic changes in their numbers could threaten humanity as we know it.

Among the tens of thousands of species studied for the paper, the researchers surveyed the population figures of 177 mammal species across all continents, comparing the population and distribution data from as far back as 1900 to the current numbers. What they found is that of the mammal species monitored, nearly half of them have lost over 80% of their distribution since their earliest monitoring.

"The resulting biological annihilation obviously will have serious ecological, economic and social consequences," the researchers say "Humanity will eventually pay a very high price for the decimation of the only assemblage of life that we know of in the universe."

The scientists pin the destruction of these species on human overpopulation, which has led to the mass destruction of natural habitats as well as an influx of pollution. Human effect on the climate of the planet has also not done nature any favors, as changing temperatures have pushed and pulled species into and out of various regions, causing overlaps and a spike in invasive species in many areas.

Natural History Museum unveils Dippy's replacement, a giant blue whale called Hope

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 01:19 AM PDT

Natural History Museum unveils Dippy's replacement, a giant blue whale called HopeThe Natural History Museum in London has unveiled its new star, a giant blue whale skeleton called Hope. The blue whale skeleton has been named 'Hope' Credit: John Nguyen for the Telegraph The 25.2 metre mammal suspended from the ceiling forms the main exhibit as visitors come through the front door and replaces the much-loved Diplodocus dinosaur, "Dippy", which will soon head out on a tour of the UK. 'Hope' has been installed as part of a revamp Credit: John Nguyen for the Telegraph The skeleton is from 1891 and originally went on display in 1934 and has been installed as part of a revamp at the South Kensington museum. The name "Hope" was given as a "symbol of humanity's power to shape a sustainable future". Credit: John Nguyen for the Telegraph Blue whales are now making a recovery following decades of exploitation that nearly drove them out of existence. The Museum's Patron, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge, and Sir David Attenborough will attend a gala launch reception this evening (July 13) ahead of the public opening at 10am tomorrow. The 25.2 metre real blue whale skeleton is from 1891 and originally went on display in 1934 Credit: John Nguyen for the Telegraph Sir Michael Dixon, director of the Natural History Museum, said: 'This is a landmark moment for the Museum and for the millions of people from all over the world who visit us. The transformation of Hintze Hall represents a new era for us as a natural history museum for the future. "Putting our blue whale, Hope, at the centre of the Museum, between living species on the West and extinct species on the East, is a powerful reminder of the fragility of life and the responsibility we have towards our planet." Sir Michael Dixon, director of the Natural History Museum, said: 'This is a landmark moment for the Museum' Credit: John Nguyen for the Telegraph Richard Sabin, the museum's leading whale expert, said: "Whales are incredibly mysterious and behaviourally complex creatures, as well as being the giants of the ocean. "I remember visiting the Museum as a child and being amazed when I came face to face with the blue whale skeleton we are now unveiling in Hintze Hall. "Until 2015 the skeleton was hung alongside a model whale in the mammals gallery and wasn't in full view, but in her stunning new home, where you are able to walk underneath and see her from all angles, she is even more spectacular. "It is impossible not to be struck by the sheer scale and majesty of this beautiful creature as she dives towards you when you enter the Museum. "My first encounter with the blue whale skeleton became a defining moment in my life, and I am sure Hope will inspire a new generation of visitors to discover the story of life on Earth and be encouraged to want to protect the natural world."

Democrat files first articles of impeachment against Donald Trump

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 11:10 AM PDT

Democrat files first articles of impeachment against Donald TrumpA Democratic representative has introduced the first formal article of impeachment against President Donald Trump. Representative Brad Sherman alleges Mr Trump committed obstruction of justice by firing former FBI Director James Comey amid agency investigations into Russian meddling in the US election. The Constitution allows impeachment in the case of "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanours".

‘Unbelonging’: A life split between countries

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 10:35 AM PDT

'Unbelonging': A life split between countriesThe photos of Nigerian-born photographer Osaretin Ugiagbe document the beauty and sorrows witnessed during a life split between the South Bronx and Lagos, Nigeria.

Once-loyal prosecutor emerges as hero in Venezuela protests

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 12:54 PM PDT

Once-loyal prosecutor emerges as hero in Venezuela protestsCARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Opponents of President Nicolas Maduro who have taken to the streets day after day in Venezuela now find themselves rallying in support of an unexpected hero: the chief prosecutor who helped throw many of them into jail.

The DIY Detox: How to Create the Healthiest Cleanse for You

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 07:21 AM PDT

The DIY Detox: How to Create the Healthiest Cleanse for YouAs a result, they crave cleanses, detoxes and commitments to extreme healthy eating that they believe will get their diets back on track or cancel out their so-called eating sins. "I can't tell you how many [social media] statuses I saw that said, 'Time for a detox,'" after the holiday, says Yasi Ansari, a registered dietitian in Newport Beach, California. "There are people who need a time period to really stay disciplined to a healthy eating regimen," Ansari finds.

Did Samsung just accidentally reveal the Galaxy Note 8 early?

Posted: 13 Jul 2017 11:18 AM PDT

Did Samsung just accidentally reveal the Galaxy Note 8 early?

The past few months have been absolutely swamped with Galaxy Note 8 leaks, from schematics and components to release date rumors and concept images. Through all of these leaks, including our own exclusive leak, we've managed to piece together a fairly complete picture of the upcoming phablet. But on Thursday morning, without warning, Samsung's official Exynos Twitter account shared an image that appears to feature the Galaxy Note 8. After all that build up, Samsung spoiled the surprise itself.

One look at the phone in the tweet and you can tell that it isn't a Galaxy S8 or a Galaxy S8+. While is shares some similarities with the flagship phones released earlier this year, the top bezel is thinner than that of the S8 or S8+ (which is what recent leaks have suggested as well). The display appears to stretch even further over the sides as well, making the Infinity Display name even more appropriate.


Considering we're likely still a few weeks out from the Galaxy Note 8, there's a chance that this isn't the final hardware. That said, it's worth stressing that the tweet above came from an official Samsung Twitter account, so it would be especially strange if the model in the image was inaccurate.

Samsung didn't include any further information about the Note 8 in the tweet or the linked webpage, but recent reports claim the phone will feature a 6.3-inch Super AMOLED display with 2K resolution and an 18.5:9 aspect ratio, Exynos 8895 or Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor, 6GB of RAM, a dual 12-megapixel camera with optical image stabilization and a 3,300 mAh battery.

Samsung is expected to officially unveil the Galaxy Note 8 before the end of the month, with plans to launch the phone and have it in stores as early as August 23rd to beat the iPhone 8 to market.

Nasa takes first high-res pictures of Jupiter's most extraordinary feature

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 11:30 AM PDT

Nasa takes first high-res pictures of Jupiter's most extraordinary featureAn American spacecraft has taken the first high resolution photographs of Jupiter's most extraordinary feature, after soaring close to the crimson cloud tops of the Great Red Spot. Nasa's Juno probe passed just 5,600 miles (9,000) kilometres above the massive storm system which is wider than the Earth and may have been raging for more than 350 years. The close fly-by was completed during Juno's sixth scientific orbit of the solar system's biggest planet. The craft, which is specially strengthened to withstand Jupiter's ferocious radiation, gathered a wealth of data and images during the encounter which are being beamed to Earth. A combination of views of the Great Red Spot Credit: NASA/SWRI/MSSS AND NASA Juno principal investigator Dr Scott Bolton, from Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, said: "For generations people from all over the world and all walks of life have marvelled over the Great Red Spot. "Now we are finally going to see what this storm looks like up close and personal." Jupiter's Great Red Spot from an altitude of 9866.1 km above Jupiter's surface Credit: NASA / JPL / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt  The 10,000 mile (16,000 km) wide Great Red Spot has been observed since 1830 but is thought to have existed for hundreds of years longer. In more recent times it has appeared to be shrinking. Juno swooped close to Jupiter and passed directly above the Great Red Spot on July 10, said the American space agency. An illustration of NASA's Juno spacecraft in orbit above Jupiter's Great Red Spot Credit: NASA/Reuters The spacecraft was launched on August 5 2011 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. On July 5 at 3.30am UK time, Juno logged exactly one year in Jupiter orbit, having travelled a total of 71 million miles (114.5 million kilometres) around the gas giant. Early results from the mission have shown Jupiter to be a turbulent world with a complex interior structure, energetic polar auroras and huge polar cyclones.

Breitbart editor says Donald Trump Jr's Russia meeting ‘is straight up collusion’ in private chat

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 07:26 AM PDT

Breitbart editor says Donald Trump Jr's Russia meeting 'is straight up collusion' in private chatA Breitbart editor has suggested Donald Trump Jr's Russia emails amount to "straight up collusion". Raheem Kassam, the editor-in-chief of Breitbart London, is said to have made the remarks during an exchange on the far-right publication's internal messaging application Slack. According to a transcript of the conversation obtained by CNN, Kassam said: "So like, this is straight up collusion.

Audi's Pitch of New Self-Driving Tech Could Go Too Far

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 03:45 PM PDT

Audi's Pitch of New Self-Driving Tech Could Go Too FarAs it promotes its upcoming 2019 A8 flagship sedan, automaker Audi has taken the novel approach of telling consumers: Go ahead, use our self-driving technology, watch TV, and keep your hands off ...

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